Sweating The Small Stuff

Hurricane Dorian has had the US on edge (especially Florida), but lucky for you listeners you have 3 hurricane veterans to ride out the storm with! Join your Personal Brain Trainer Cameron Boozarjomehri, co-host and Neural Nutritionist Sam Spiers, and special celebrity guest Lisha Yang as they Sheppard you through the wind and the rain. They even explain why Toto may have had a vendetta against Florida all along, hiding in plain sight ... in 'Africa'.

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Now for something completely different. Why are so many people classified as "Mad Scientists" when they aren't even doing science?!

Join your Personal Brain Trainer Cameron Boozarjomehri and special co-host and Mind Fiend... Keon Boozarjomehri as they sweat over whether you favorite Movie, TV, and Real Life idols are really scientists at all!

Inspiration for Reference

Have small stuff you're sweating? Email us at [email protected], reach out on Twitter with #smallstuffshow, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube! If you enjoyed the episode we hope you'll like, subscribe, share it with a friend, support us on Patreon for even more great content, and/or leave a review on itunes so others can find us!

And as always, remember: it's details like these, and more importantly fans like you, that make it worth sweating the small stuff! :D

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Every year people all over the world spend days worth of time stuck in traffic headed to and from work. But what is the real "toll" badum tss of all that sitting and waiting. Not just on the economy, but on your health and your life!

Join your Personal Brain Trainer Cameron Boozarjomehri and special co-host and Mensa Muscle Man Amelia Robert as they dive into the real toll of commuting to work!

Have small stuff you're sweating? Email us at [email protected], reach out on Twitter with #smallstuffshow, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube! If you enjoyed the episode we hope you'll like, subscribe, share it with a friend, support us on Patreon for even more great content, and/or leave a review on itunes so others can find us!

And as always, remember: it's details like these, and more importantly fans like you, that make it worth sweating the small stuff! :D

Check out our podcasting host, Pinecast. Start your own podcast for free, no credit card required, forever. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-306384 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Sweating The Small Stuff.

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Captain America Winter Soldier sure was a fun movie! But we gotta step back and ask, why is it when Tony Stark builds killer drones no one bats an eye, but when hydra does it everyone loses their minds?! Well that's what we're asking in this weeks episode!

Join your Personal Brain Trainer Cameron Boozarjomehri and special co-host and Mind Fiend Keon Boozarjomehri as they pick apart the deeper message from Spiderman Far From Home!

Have small stuff you're sweating? Email us at [email protected], reach out on Twitter with #smallstuffshow, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube! If you enjoyed the episode make sure to like, subscribe, share it with a friend, support us on Patreon for even more great content, and/or leave a review on itunes so others can find us!

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And as always, remember: it's details like these, and more importantly fans like you, that make it worth sweating the small stuff! :D

Check out our podcasting host, Pinecast. Start your own podcast for free, no credit card required, forever. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-306384 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Sweating The Small Stuff.

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Drone laws are a strange reality for us. It combines the idea that there are these several pound flying hunks of plastic with everyone's favorite thing... Bureaucracy! But they also invite a more serious question for superheroes who have to navigate these drone filled skies!

Join your Personal Brain Trainer Cameron Boozarjomehri and special co-host and Mind Fiend... Keon Boozarjomehri as they sweat over the past, present, and potential future for drones in SciFi!

Have small stuff you're sweating? Email us at [email protected], reach out on Twitter with #smallstuffshow, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube! If you enjoyed the episode we hope you'll like, subscribe, share it with a friend, support us on Patreon for even more great content, and/or leave a review on itunes so others can find us!

And as always, remember: it's details like these, and more importantly fans like you, that make it worth sweating the small stuff! :D

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