Sweating The Small Stuff

018 - Matt Basta: Building Pinecast From Scratch!

One Mans Journey Bringing Podcasting to the Masses

5 years ago

Matt Basta is a full-time programmer, and we do mean full time! By day he develops for the global technology platform Stripe. By night he is the visionary driving the technology, development, and support for the popular podcast hosting service Pinecast! And for anyone interested, he was nice enough to include a promocode for 2 free months of Pinecast, but you'll have to listen to the episode to find it!

Join your Personal Brain Trainer Cameron Boozarjomehri and Matt Basta as they discuss Matt's incredible journey building Pinecast, and explore the meaning of Sweating The Small Stuff when you are trying to build a game changing service from scratch!

You can find all Matt's Work at the links below:

Matt was even nice enough to stick around for a little extra Q&A about the Podcast that almost took down pinecast! You can find that part of the interview and more over on our patreon.

Have small stuff you're sweating? Email us at [email protected], reach out on Twitter with #smallstuffshow, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube! If you enjoyed the episode make sure to like, subscribe, share it with a friend, support us on Patreon for even more great content, and/or leave a review on itunes so others can find us!

And as always, remember: it's details like these, and more importantly fans like you, that make it worth sweating the small stuff! :D

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